Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nigeria: Future of Country's Oil At Risk

Iyobosa Uwugiaren

drastic measures are taken to curtail the activities of militants in
the Niger Delta region, Nigeria would have to struggle to extricate
itself from the economic consequences of the crisis in the next few
months. Monitors and experts in the energy sector say the seeming
criminal activities of the militants in the region, which had in the
last few months hugely affected the sector negatively, would snowball
into a serious economic crisis for the nation, if not checked. As one
expert put it: "The Nigerian oil industry may soon be in the throes of
the development in Angola at the heat of the civil war in the 1980s."

the heat of the Angolan civil war, oil companies enacted a gradual
wind-down process, which eventually saw them shutting down their
production in the country despite the huge investment they made.